Thursday 28 January 2016

Audio Redux Edition

Over the years I've had criticism from sound engineers about the quality of my original video's sound effects. Obviously, I made that project in my bedroom in my parents house without any experience, but little did I know it'd get as much notice as it did. So I've always felt a little embarrassed about my inadequacies being seen by so many people.

Now one of those inadequacies has been rectified by John Nathans, an actual audio designer. This was done of his own volition, but I thought it was so good it had to go up. I don't mind having two versions, either, kind of reminds me of how many different versions Ridley Scott has of his own films.

Anywho, check it:


  1. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, yeah!

  2. I love this short. I love everything about it.
    Being a HUGE Batman fan, this is something that should be explored.
    Batman fought the Predator, and Aliens and so many other things. why not make a full length Batman V Terminator movie.

    1. I work at a child care products center designing cards and calendars, not an animation studio. Also, this video took me nearly 4 years of grinding, and it's only a 5 minute short. So there's no way I could make something beyond this in duration nor could I manage a collaboration with other artists over the internet. This will always remain as simply a YouTube video.

    2. I have to say, Hammond. This is a superb well done video. The art concept its amazing. My guess is that with the right resources you would do great. Cheers.

  3. Why not kickstarter so you can get funding, a team that you hand pick,and time to make this into your career. How many views? Wow if each of those gave 50 cents.

    1. I agree, that is an excellent idea. Do a Kickstarter, using this as a proof of concept, you could assemble a team of animators or a reputable animation studio willing to work with your idea, get permission from DC and move forward with a web series or direct to dvd.

    2. I've creatively moved on from Batman versus The Terminator as I spent nearly 4 years working on it and I'd never get support for a completely different or original project. I've started something new (check out my latest posts) and have been working on it for a while. I've decided to leave animating as a hobby to simply grind away on instead.

  4. Excellent!!!!!! now: where is the second part??

    1. Already finished!

  5. This is great, you should do a full featured movie of this on youtube.

    1. I work at a child care products center designing cards and calendars, not an animation studio. Also, this video took me nearly 4 years of grinding, and it's only a 5 minute short. So there's no way I could make something beyond this in duration nor could I manage a collaboration with other artists over the internet. This will always remain as simply a YouTube video.

  6. OMG, looove this concept !

  7. great concept ! cant w8 for more !!!!

  8. Hammond es un GENIO.

  9. What would it take to make a full length film besides licensing money which clearly no crowd funding will cover? :)

  10. The original sound is much better. This sounds a bit like a cartoon while the original gave a more chaotic feeling which I thinks fits well. Bruce Waybes voice is also much better in the original work.

    Overall thank you for having given us this amazing peace of animation!

  11. The link for the second part has been restricted, can you possibly give us another link to see the video?

    1. There is no second part.

    2. Then what was this?

      "Kaezz16 March 2016 at 13:26

      Excellent!!!!!! now: where is the second part??

      hjkhkhk16 March 2016 at 14:10

      Already finished!"

  12. You're a Genius. No need to say more. Thanks for your passion.

  13. I loved this short.. You are in another level.. Thank for to do this.. Only five minutes and I entered in Terminator world, with Batman supports me, hahaha! Excellent job!!

  14. Do you know where I can purchase the music track from this video? 1:13 to 1:42 is my favorite

  15. te felicito!!!!! entiendo que llevo mucho trabajo y son cinco minutos!!!!pero valen oro mis respetos!!!!!saludos

  16. I like your original sound more, actually. More low end boom.

  17. BADD ASS!!! I can't wait for the rest of these to be on here so we can all tune in Can I buy these on dvd?...

  18. Well this was simply beautiful, Hope you can create more though its I'm late as f c k
